State Rep. Brian Stewart | The Ohio House of Representatives
State Rep. Brian Stewart | The Ohio House of Representatives
House Bill 179, legislation aimed at simplifying Ohio’s legal system by clarifying against which parties and within what time frame certain lawsuits must be filed, was unanimously passed by the Ohio House and Senate and signed into law. The bill's sponsors, State Representatives Adam Mathews (R-Lebanon) and Brian Stewart (R-Ashville), announced its enactment.
The bill establishes a four-year period during which specific civil lawsuits must be filed against any potential defendant. It also clarifies which industries and professions require specifically named defendants and the extent to which businesses are liable for their employees’ misconduct. These changes aim to clarify recent court decisions and solidify longstanding Ohio law.
“Our intent is to ensure transparency, clarity, and easily understood legal standards for all our businesses, hospitals, and attorneys. With the increasing complexity of the law, House Bill 179 will preserve the legal framework Ohio has enjoyed for decades and provide stability for our economic and legal environment,” Mathews said. “I am thankful for all of the interested parties who have worked alongside us in the House and Senate to pass this bill and protect the legal framework Ohioans expect.”
“HB 179 will ensure that lawsuits are directed at the relevant parties and that they do not unnecessarily drag in innocent, unrelated people at great personal expense,” Stewart said.
“House Bill 179 strikes the right balance between allowing meritorious claims to proceed but also streamlining the litigation process and preventing the over-naming of defendants based only on legal technicalities.”